Plans and Credits

Both our API and UI utilise a credits system. Each query costs one credit. Each time you run a successful query, we deduct one credit from your account.

Our “free” tier includes ten credits per month, which you can use in either of our platforms. You can buy credits as you need them. If you subscribe to one of our plans, you get access to multiple benefits as well as a discount. For details, visit our pricing page.

To manage your subscription, credits, and account in general, please visit your account.

Our Plans

We have multiple plans that aim to help you achieve your specific needs. If you need something more custom, feel free to contact us.


Anonymous and free. No credit card or personal information required. Ten free credits every month and beta access to our API. If you wish to start adding web3 to your investigations, create a free account.


Ideal if you run more than a couple of queries a month. It comes with everything in the free plan plus: removes captcha checks, 20 credits per month, and a discount in case you run out of credits.


Designed for investigators who run multiple queries a day, who search multiple selectors at the same time, and who could take advantage of visualising overlaps between multiple query results. Get better customer support, full access to our API and any future beta projects, plus a bigger discount for extra credits.


Meant for teams who run thousands of queries a month and who need custom support and solutions. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested.